First, use our search tool to find your listing.
Once you find your listing click the 'Claim This Listing' tab and follow the instructions.
If you are unable to find your listing, please reach out using our contact form.

Choose a Package

Three Packages to Choose From


$500.00 for 1 year

Our mid-level package allows you to enhance your listing.

$500.00 per year

  • Verify your listing as currently performing FAA Exams
  • Receive Wingman Med verification icon (on listing and map view)
  • Google Reviews Displayed (if available)
  • Wingman Med PIREPs, with reply capabilities.
  • Add business logo
  • Add primary medical specialty
  • Add website and email
  • Listing contact form goes directly to you


$0.00 for 1 year

Our baseline service to show pilots you are an active FAA medical examiner.

$0.00 per year

  • Verify your listing for FREE as currently performing FAA Exams
  • Receive Wingman Med verification icon (on listing and map view)
  • Google Reviews displayed (if available)
  • Wingman Med PIREPs, with reply capabilities.
  • Must be verified annually